Why You Should Prevent Poor Rubbish Removal Practices

The cost and difficulty associated with rubbish removal in inner-city areas often pushes people to poor practices like illegal dumping, overfilling their bins and littering. Many urbanised areas are facing increasing challenges with the amount of waste that is generated daily by the population and keeping up with the demand to dispose of it correctly.

Space at landfills is fast running out, the environmental impact of incineration is abhorrent to think about, and cities in the past have infamously resorted to putting their waste on floating barges, or dumping it in the ocean.

The short and long term impacts of poorly managed rubbish removal processes can be difficult to stomach. Read below for some of the outcomes and problems created by bad rubbish removal practices.

Overflowing garbage bins attract vermin

pile of rubbish

If you live in a big city then you’ve probably seen a rat or two before. Public or private bins open to the air are like a free buffet for vermin and insects. Rats can carry some nasty diseases (such as the plague!) so it’s certainly not attractive to have them around. Vermin infestation is a major issue that can threaten public health and some cities spend millions of dollars a year trying to control the population.

You can help by ensuring you don’t overfill your bins. If you have a lot of waste to get rid of, consider contacting a professional rubbish removal service or making a trip to the local waste management facility.

Waste pollutes the air and causes disease

Incorrectly disposing of your waste can contribute to air pollution and actually make you sick. Decomposition of wastes create air pollution can actually eventually lead to respiratory diseases. Cities like China with very bad air pollution are experiencing massive rates of respiratory disease and lung cancer. Millions of lives are affected by these diseases and end early due to pollution and poor rubbish removal practices.

The water supply can be contaminated

If you’re not practicing the correct rubbish removal procedures, you could be poisoning precious resources. Waste can seep into surface water, which can contaminate larger ecosystems. The effects of this can be devastating and long lasting.

It might not seem like a big deal when you are illegally dumping something, or littering on the street, but it might later add up to the devastation of local ecosystems and animals.

It’s bad for your local area

Come on, be a good neighbour. Poor rubbish removal practices like illegal dumping are an eyesore and can impact local amenity and housing prices. Having waste lying around is a cost to the community and a public nuisance. Not only that, but it can actually be dangerous. Waste or items left on the street can be hazards to local residents, especially if it contains harmful chemicals or substances.

How can you help?

If you’re looking to dispose of waste, ensure you use the correct routes of disposal. The fines associated with illegal dumping and littering can be considerable. If that’s not deterrent enough then it is you health and safety that are being put at risk. Encourage your friends and neighbours to throw their garbage away responsibly.

If you have more trash then your curb-side bin can reasonable handle, or have large items to remove then you should ensure your items are going to the correct waste and recycling management faciilties.

Consider using a professional rubbish removal company. These services can responsibly and reliably dispose of your garbage for a reasonable fee.

Hopefully this article has highlighted the importance of responsibly disposing of waste, help to look after your community.